I'm proud to have worked on a project that helped keep the city I love, San Francisco, safe and healthy. The San Francisco AIDS Foundation was looking for an engaging way to encourage the LGBTQ community to get in the habit of having an HIV test every 6 months - a new standard set by the U.S. Department of Health. The problem was this community had grown tired of ads that resorted to fear tactics.

Our solution was to produce this lighthearted campaign and encourage responsibility on a personal level, regardless of sexual activity.
Client: San Francisco AIDS Foundation 
Agency: ATTIK

Everything led to ManyShadesofGay.com, a website which allowed people to generate a custom avatar that represented their own style and individuality and then share it through social media. The user was then served up information on where the nearest HIV testing facility was.

With well over a million people attending San Francisco's Pride Week, we decided to create these unique drink coasters to be placed in gay bars around the city.

The website technically allowed for some 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 different combinations of avatars to be created by users given. I don't know how to say that number.